Monday 6 February 2017

The Amazing Terry Bear Parade

Teddy Bear Artists have admitted they have spent hours working on the face of each bear they make. While the bears may be made of the same pattern and materials, the face of each bear has a personality of it's own.

Teddy bears have been proven to be a wonderful way to lessen the fear and pain of sick, hurt, lonely, and frightened children. Children make up the biggest group of teddy bear recipients, but adults at many hospitals are given teddy bears to hug while recovering from open heart surgery.

One thing we know for sure, the teddy bear is a very popular toy. Other toys have come and gone but the teddy bear lives on in the hearts of those of us who need a bit of reassurance or a soft, warm, hug.

The teddy bear started as a simple, jointed bear stuffed with excelsior, to the wonderful, unique teddy bears we see today.

The Vermont Teddy Bear Factory has a program called BIG HERO, LITTLE HERO. Every time a specially made bear for this program is purchased, VTBF will give 2 of the same type of bear to police, emergency service workers, and firemen for distribution to children who are sick, injured, or victims of domestic violence.

Teddy bear collectors love to show off their wonderful bears. You will find many sites on the internet, belonging to collectors of teddy bears.

Teddy Bear Artists have admitted they have spent hours working on the face of each bear they make. Teddy bear collectors love to show off their wonderful bears. Children make up the biggest group of teddy bear recipients, but adults at many hospitals are given teddy bears to hug while recovering from open heart surgery. Every time a specially made bear for this program is purchased, VTBF will give 2 of the same type of bear to police, emergency service workers, and firemen for distribution to children who are sick, injured, or victims of domestic violence.

Soft toy manufacturers have their own style when it comes to the teddy bears they make. GUND, the top soft toy company in the U.S., has a patented under-stuffing method that makes many of their teddy's, the softest on the market. When you visit the factories or internet sites of the main teddy bear manufacturers, you will find many diverse and interesting styles.

What a wonderful parade it would make if we could line up all of the teddy bears in existence. How hard is it for many of us to look at a cute, cuddly teddy bear and resist the urge to take him home with us. The teddy bear started as a simple, jointed bear stuffed with excelsior, to the wonderful, unique teddy bears we see today.

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